![macklemore Macklemore Posing with taxidermy moose Head like it ain't no thang.]()
Meet Macklemore’s new boo, “Rebecca.” Mazel!
I’m a vegetarian, so the idea of taxidermy is, needless to say, pretty ROUGH on my constitution. That’s why we’re just gonna pretend that this photo of a très handsome Macklemore (#hairwave!) casually embracing a preserved ram’s head (or is it a moose? Anyone? Bueller?) isn’t actually taxidermy, but a super lifelike plush toy! You know, because sometimes people like to sleep with stuffed ram heads at night, right? RIGHT??
We’re actually kind of shocked that the Best Hip-Hop Video winner would dare dilute his perfectly curated, celeb-packed Instagram handle with a (probably “Thrift Shop”-obtained) taxidermied head. Like, when he’s not updating his Insta feed with news of a sadly-gone-from-this-earth animal named Rebecca, the “Same Love” rapper is literally posing with EVERY famous person in the game.
Remember the time that Mack called Diddy “Puffy” and DGAF, “rapper snuggled” with Jay Z, whispered sweet nothings into Kanye West‘s ear, and ate froyo with this year’s Michael Jackson Video Vanguard recipient, Justin Timberlake? Of course you do, because Macklemore Instagrammed every single encounter! Hmmmm, we wonder which non-ram-headed celeb’s up next. Britney Spears? (#BlondeParty)
Photo credit: Macklemore’s Instagram