Today, on their official Facebook page, the Four Horsemen gave fans and Kickstarter backers an update on the Gothitropolis Ravens figures:


We know a lot of you have been awaiting news on the production progress of our Gothitropolis Ravens action figures. Well, we got an incredible package delivered to the studio a couple days ago – a box containing the first rough cut samples of the Raven!

These are rough samples of what the finished product may look like, pending our approval (which almost never happens on the first round). On these types of samples, some of the detail is still a but rough and muddy and still needs to be tightened up, and sometimes some of the parts we get are either missing or broken. All of this is to be expected on a first pass and notations of everything are made and then relayed back to the factory for correction. We have to say, Even with the minor issues that we discovered when going over these rough cuts, the detail they’ve gotten on these pantographed down versions of the figures is stunning! We can’t wait to see the final fine cuts on these!

We did run into one other unexpected issue with this rough cut though. When we put the Raven up next to the Scarabus figure and other figures from our Gothitropolis & Seventh Kingdom lines, the Raven was just slightly too small for our tastes. It’s not a huge deal for the factory to fix, but it will take time for them to do so. Hopefully this won’t mean tons of production delays but we wanted you to all be aware that this could potentially push our planned ship dates back by a month or so.

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We think many of you would agree that we’d much rather have these figures come out to be the high level of quality that our fans have come to expect from us and have to risk the possibility of a slightly delayed ship date, rather than to have them be low quality figures that shipped on time. We’ll keep you updated on all of this as the production progresses, but just know that no matter what happens we’re going to do everything we can to put the coolest figures that we possibly can into your hands.


Filed under: Toys


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