AFi Exclusive – Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich Resigns from Mattel

Offered a new opportunity at another toy company

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October 17th, 2014 (Los Angeles) – Mattel brand manager Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich handed in his letter of resignation this morning at Mattel.   After 9 years of making collector product at Mattel, Scott was headhunted by another toy company and has accepted that position.   While Scott has not yet announced his new role or what company it will be with he assures fans that he will still be making collector product on some major, high profile brands.

Scott was kind enough to sit down with AFi today and do an exclusive, emotional interview just hours after he turned in his letter of resignation and look back on his 9 years at Mattel.   He talks about the possible future of, what will happen to the Masters of the Universe Classics line without him, things he is most proud of, things that he didn’t get to do and his message of thanks to all the fans.   Take it away Scott:

We here at wish Scott all the best in his new endeavor, and can’t wait until we can talk toys with him at his new position.   Thanks for all the toys Scott!   We know our shelves wouldn’t be half as full without you!

Filed under: Toys


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