Marvel Joins in Honoring Our Nation’s Veterans

Every year on Veterans Day, across the United States we join in celebrating the service of our nation’s heroic military Veterans. For 2017, Marvel, along with The Walt Disney Company and Johnson & Johnson, in partnership with The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) honored our Veterans while also showing support to the VA’s ongoing efforts to care for these real life heroes.

The VA joined forces with Johnson & Johnson to create a moving PSA featuring voiceover by Tom Hanks in support of the VA’s #BeThere campaign and other lifesaving initiatives associated with providing help to Veterans. Veteran suicide is a tragic reality and #BeThere is a national effort to raise awareness and encourage everyone to be there for Veterans in need.

Additionally, Marvel’s own Captain America joined U.S. Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Dr. David Shulkin and several heroic military Veterans in ringing the NYSE Closing Bell in recognition of Veterans Day.

Please join Marvel and our partners in commemorating Veterans Day and highlighting these incredible individuals.

For more information on #BeThere, please visit

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