Happy Third Anniversary, Kevin And Danielle Jonas! (PHOTO)

It's Kevin and Danielle Jonas' third anniversary! Mazels to you guys!

There's never been a shortage of adorable Kevin (of the Jonas Brothers) and Danielle Jonas photos for us to "awww" over. Because remember that time we nominated them for the "most attractive couple" award? Or that other time they took the most "holiday" holiday photo we've ever seen? Or, maybe you just fell in love with them after watching their reality show, "Married To Jonas." Yeah, well, feel free to continue down that endless jealousy spiral as you check out this latest adorable Kev and Danielle photo, taken to commemorate their third wedding anniversary!

In honor of their special day, Kev took to Twitter (natch): "Happy 3rd anniversary @daniellejonas I love you," tweeted Kevin, which was preceded by an even more adorable tweet: "Being married to your best friend makes 3 years go by in a blink of an eye I love you @daniellejonas #happyanniversary." And our downward jealously spiral is officially ON. Seriously guys, can't you throw us a bone here? Kevin, couldn't your fly have been unzipped? And Danielle, couldn't your hair have been a hot frizzy mess? Anything to prove you're not robo-perfect? That'd be great, thanks!

Photo credit:@KevinJonas

Filed under: Music


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