A new short Pokemon anime series is set to debut in January, set in Pokemon Sword/Shield's Galar region. The series, which will be titled Pokemon: Twilight Wings, was announced on the official Pokemon website and promises to explore the lives of the people who live there. The series will consist of seven episodes, all of which will be about five minutes long. The first episode will premiere on the English language Pokemon YouTube channel on January 15, 2020. According to the site, the show "will show in detail the dreams of Galar's residents, the realities they face, the challenges they must overcome, and the conflicts they must resolve." It will also introduce several Pokemon who are native to Galar in anime form for the first time, and by the sound of things it will not feature Ash or his friends. The series will be animated by Studio Colorido, which most recently worked on the film Penguin Highway. Pokemon Sword/Shield received a 9/10 in our review, and reviewer Kallie Plagge said that they "cut out the bloat and focus on what makes these pillars of the Pokemon games so captivating in the first place." For more on the anime, check out our thoughts on which Pokemon in the world are eaten by humans.