Super Mario 3D All-Stars might feature two beloved classics featuring everyone's favorite Italian plumber--as well as Super Mario Sunshine--but the collection has attracted controversy since its announcement. Now, Nintendo has announced that players will have the option of inverting camera controls in all three of the collection's games, Super Mario 64, Galaxy, and Sunshine starting on November 16.
Inverted camera controls weren't included in any of the original versions of the games, but have become a standard option in many 3D games since their release. Since Super Mario 3D All-Stars was ostensibly intended as an updated collection of these games, the lack of customizable camera controls was noticeable. Many players have complained about grappling with the primitive camera controls of Super Mario 64 in particular, which were designed prior to the advent of stick-based camera control. Poor Lakitu. Super Mario 3D All-Stars also garnered criticism for Nintendo's decision to make the game only available for digital purchase through March 31, 2021, as well as the lack of extra features compared to simply playing the games in a high-end PC emulator. The lack of Super Mario Galaxy 2 was also noted. While most agree that these are great games that stand the test of time, compared to flashier remakes like the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, it becomes apparent that Nintendo isn't necessarily interested in updating the look of these games to take advantage of newer hardware. Continue Reading at GameSpot