The Suicide Squad’s Red Band Trailer Just Crushed Mortal Kombat To Set A New Record

The new red band trailer for James Gunn's The Suicide Squad is a record-breaker. The trailer reached 151.1 million views in its first week to set a new all-time record for a red band trailer.

"Thanks again, everyone out there who watched!" Gunn said on Twitter of the milestone. The previous record-holder was Mortal Kombat just recently in March; that trailer picked up 116 million views for its red band trailer over its first week. Both properties are owned by WB, so it's a win-win for the film giant.

The Suicide Squad opens in theaters and on HBO Max (for 31 days) on August 6 with, as is now obvious, a lot of hype around it. The movie features a lot of characters from the comics, and Gunn recently spoke about how he was given every character he asked for.

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