Bandai Namco's long-running Tekken video game series is coming to Netflix for the first time with its new series Tekken: Bloodline. The series follows the events of the King of Iron Fist Tournament, hosted by Mishima Zaibatsu. The conflict between the Mishima family serves as the main focus of the franchise's plot, while players explore other characters' motives. Tekken: Bloodline takes place during the events of Tekken 3, which in-game canon takes place 20 years after Tekken 2, so there are many new characters including the now iconic Eddy Gordo and Forest Law. You can check out the trailer below. You can see that the main plot of the series revolves around Jun Kazama with her young son, Jin. Their peaceful life is disrupted when Jun begins to sense Ogre's encroaching presence and knowing that she is now a target, instructs Jin to seek his grandfather if anything happens. After his mother is seemingly killed by Ogre, and driven by revenge, Jin goes to his grandfather, Heihachi, explaining his situation and begging him for training to become strong enough to face Ogre. Heihachi accepts and takes Jin under his wing. Continue Reading at GameSpot