Writer-director James Cameron isn't worried about the possibility that Avatar: The Way of Water will be a flop at the box office. Responding to "the trolls and the naysayers," Cameron told Variety that The Way of Water is good enough for him, so he expects audiences to enjoy it, too. "That it'll fall on its ass?" Cameron said. "I don't worry about it. I don't think anything one does artistically in life should be determined by the trolls and the naysayers. You just go where you think it makes sense." In a sense, Cameron said, he made The Way of Water for himself--and that's good enough for Cameron, no matter how the film performs commercially. "My tastes are so kind of blue collar and general. They're not esoteric, my personal tastes. If I like my movie, I know other people are gonna like my movie. It's very simplistic, really, ultimately," he said. Continue Reading at GameSpot