Yoshitaka Murayama, the creator of Konami's fan-favorite RPG series Suikoden and the head of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes studio Rabbit & Bear Studios, has passed away on Feburary 6 at the age of 54. His passing was announced via a statement on the official Rabbit & Bear website, which confirmed that his death was caused by "an ongoing illness." He served as the scenario writer for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, a game his studio funded via a successful Kickstarter in 2020. "His hard work on Eiyuden Chronicle as scenario writer was finished," the statement reads, "but as his co-workers and friends, it saddens us to know that he won’t get to see the reactions from his fans." The statement also says the team "want[s] to maintain his legacy and vision with this game and know that he would have wanted the rich world he has created with Eiyuden Chronicle to live on." Continue Reading at GameSpot