Noted MCU Villain Jake Gyllenhaal Was Mistaken For Spider-Man And The Story Is Perfect

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal has shared a fun story of a time when he was mistaken for Spider-Man. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Gyllenhaal said this happened some time ago on an airplane.

"I did have a very sweet woman on a plane, an older woman, come to me and say, 'Can I tell my son I was the plane with Spider-Man?' I was like, 'You absolutely can,'" he said.

As it happens, Gyllenhaal actually could have played Spider-Man years ago. As the story goes, Tobey Maguire hurt himself making the movie Seabiscuit and apparently considered not coming back for Spider-Man 2. During this time of uncertainty, Sony Pictures reportedly sought out other actors who could replace him, and Gyllenhaal was among the candidates. Maguire eventually decided to come back.

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