Hogwarts Legacy – How To Complete Minding Your Own Business Hogsmeade Quest

Following the summer update in Hogwarts Legacy, the previously PlayStation-exclusive quest, "Minding Your Own Business," is now available for all players. Nicknamed the "Haunted Hogsmeade" quest by the community, Minding Your Own Business involves buying a shop in Hogsmeade from a mysterious woman. As you might expect, things aren't that simple, and you're soon thrust into a spooky and sinister plot that takes place beneath the village of Hogsmeade.

If you're experiencing this quest for the first time, you're likely going to need some help completing it. Minding Your Own Business is not too simple of a quest in Hogwarts Legacy, so check out all the steps below to reach the end.

Speak to Penny the Elf in Hogsmeade

The first step in the quest is to speak to Penny the house-elf in the southern part of Hogsmeade. Before you can partake in the quest, though, you must complete Professor Weasley's first main quest assignment. Once that's done, you can travel to the south Floo Flame location and take a few steps to the east to find Penny sweeping outside of a shop in Hogsmeade.

Speak to Penny to learn that her mistress, Madam Mason, has recently put her shop up for sale. Penny is interested in you purchasing the shop and states she can sell anything if you do happen to buy it. After speaking with Penny, you can travel north to find Cassandra Mason outside of her home atop a small cliff in Hogsmeade.

Negotiate with Madam Mason and Purchase the Shop

Reaching Madam Mason's location will prompt a conversation with her about the shop in question. Apparently, Madam Mason has had trouble maintaining a tenant, and even expects that you'll fail in keeping the shop afloat. If you wish to purchase the shop, you need to have 1,500 Gold on hand. You can check your current Gold by looking at the top-left of the "Gear" screen in Hogwarts Legacy.

If you have the necessary funds, return to Madam Mason, purchase the shop, and go back to Penny.

Repair the Shop and Retrieve Madam Mason's Husband's Belongings

Once you return to Penny at the shop, you can enter and start fixing up the place. Three distinct salvage locations in the shop require the use of the Repairo spell. Use the spell on the wrecks and then follow the quest marker to the chest containing the belongings of Madam Mason's husband.

When you open the chest, a large tunnel appears heading down into what looks to be a basement. Your character will climb into the tunnel and be whisked away to a new location.

Explore What Lies Below

After descending into the chest's tunnel, you'll arrive in a small, cluttered room containing some mannequins and other junk. At the end of the room, there's a chest that you can interact with. The chest contains a small Elf hat and once you pick it up, you'll hear a voice from nowhere, and then a black screen appears. Once the black screen lifts, you'll be in a room with a plethora of floating mannequins.

The voice is identified as "Fastidio," who appears to be Madam Mason's husband and the person responsible for your current situation. In the room with the mannequins, cast the Lumos spell and head to the opposite end of the room. A door will be on this side of the room, allowing you to exit and enter a large hallway with several doors on either side. Keep heading down the hallway and enter through the door on the other end.

Trick Rooms and Lanterns

Entering through the door reveals another cluttered room with more mannequins. You'll also notice a chest at the far corner of the room, which you need to approach. As you do so, you'll be transported to a new location. Walk around a bit in this new location to be transported right back to the room you were just in.

Once that happens, exit through the door you originally walked through and you'll see some stairs leading down have now appeared. Walk down the stairs and look for a lit lantern across a gap near the next door. Use Accio to pull the lantern towards you and place it on the hand statue to the right of the door using Wingardium Leviosa. This opens the door and allows you to face Fastidio.

Playing Fastidio's Games

As it turns out, Fastidio is a poltergeist who has planned this elaborate trick dungeon. The ghost says you might be the perfect playmate for him, and he tasks you with solving more puzzles before you can move on to the rest of the dungeon. The room you're in has a staircase and a large door at the end of it, but it's locked. The only way to open it is to head to the left and the right and solve puzzles there.

The left hallway leads you to the "Scholarly" route, which takes place in a library. The right hallway leads you to the Garden route. Below, you can see how to navigate both of these routes.

Taking the Scholarly Route

If you take a left and enter the library, you can once again head to the left or right. Before the door at the end of the library, you can go down a left or right path. Both paths require you to retrieve a lantern to place near the door at the end of the library, which will in turn take you one step closer to unlocking the large door in the main room.

However, the experience you have on either path is not the same at all. The left path is more docile, requiring you to maneuver some lanterns through hallways and doors to reach the end. The right path sees you interact with a dozen hostile mannequins, which can be killed using regular attack spells. Luckily, neither path takes too long and once both lanterns are near the library door, you can enter through it and face Fastidio again. Here, he's just having some fun with you and your only job is to avoid some light attacks.

After the combat sequence is over, you can return to the large room and take the Garden route.

Taking the Garden Route

Once you enter the Garden, go all the way to the end to find another locked door requiring two lanterns to open. From this door, you can turn back and go down two side alleys in the garden, both leading to different areas that have a lantern at the end of them.

The alleys in the garden feature more puzzle-solving than the paths in the library. You have to once again maneuver lanterns through different paths for the majority of the sequence. Although, there is a clever chess reference to the first Harry Potter book. Nothing is overly difficult, but it is easy to get lost here, so make sure you're keeping track of where you are and where you've been. I found that simply following the quest marker was the easiest way to navigate the areas.

After you have retrieved two more lanterns and placed them near the Garden door, you'll face Fastidio again. This time, he sends out some mannequins for you to fight, but only a few. They can be easily dispatched with a Diffindo spell. With the mannequins defeated, you're free to go through the garden back to the large room with the door, which has now been opened.

Face Fastidio's Monster

Going through the large door brings you to a cemetery, where Fastidio appears again and makes you an offer. The offer is to send you back to Hogsmeade and run the shop, but only if he can make an appearance every now and again. Even if you agree to the terms, you still have to fight Fastidio's Monster, which is a large collage of different furniture items. The monster is quite aggressive and throws items at you, so make sure you're using Protego often. Damaging the monster is easy enough, as all your basic attack spells will work. You can even use all of the Unforgivable Curses if you have them unlocked. At one point during the fight, your screen turns upside down, which is a neat trick that Fastidio plays on you.

Once the monster is defeated, you return to the surface and can speak with Penny in your shop.

Confronting Penny and Madam Mason

Speaking with Penny in the shop reveals that the Elf knew exactly what you would find by looking in the chest. Apparently, Madam Mason has been tricking new tenants into the same plot over and over again to make some extra money. You're the first person to make it back without being admitted into a psychiatric ward, which surprises Penny. Your character comes up with the idea to report Madam Mason to Officer Singer in Hogsmeade.

Talking to Officer Singer proves to be fruitful, as she has wondered what's been happening to all of the previous tenants. With Officer Singer, you go to confront Madam Mason, who seems to be expecting you. Out of nowhere, though, the witch attacks Officer Singer and challenges you to a fight.

Defeating Madam Mason

The fight with Madam Mason is fairly difficult, with the witch casting frequent Protego spells and attacking with aggression. My best advice is to use Protego and Stupefy to your advantage and only attack when Madam Mason is down or recovering from a spell. If you use Expelliarmus spell, Madam Mason goes down for several seconds, allowing you to freely attack. However, she will disappear and reappear in a new spot often, so keep your head on a swivel.

Once Madam Mason has been defeated, Officer Singer subdues her and says you'll have full ownership of the shop in Hogsmeade. You can now return to Penny to give her the news.

Picking a Shop Name

Upon returning to Penny, you can tell her about Madam Mason. She'll be overjoyed by this news and promises to work hard for you. While you can set Penny to work, you can also free her using the small Elf hat you found at the start of the quest in the dungeon. Either route you choose, Penny stays on at the shop, fulfilling her promise to sell anything.

The final choice you have in the quest is to pick a shop name. You have three choices and whatever you pick, that name appears on the outside of the shop in Hogsmeade.

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