Lady Gaga arrives to Tokyo with rainbow hair!
We were recently worried about Lady Gaga 'cause she looked kinda sad in a basic black dress while in Hong Kong. (Basic if you're Gaga.) We even thought she was mourning her recent breakup with boyfriend Taylor Kinney. So thank your lucky little Monster Pit key that Mother Monster is back to "normal" (for her). And HOLY ISH, Gaga brought the "Gaga" out in full force with some WILD rainbow hair. Anyone else suddenly craving Fruit Stripe gum? Or My Little Ponys? Also, even though this is kinda a dominatrix vibe, I feel like Gaga should also be carrying a business lady briefcase. Just me? It's not just me, right?
As Gagaloo continues on her Born This Way Ball in Tokyo, she unveiled her very colorful new hair and paired it with a studded leather dress. Because we make it our job to find the hidden meaning in ATG (all things Gaga), we can't help but try to figure out what the hell is going on here. Maybe it's a follicular reference to her sick pink ponytail in her "Born This Way" video. Maybe she's taking her upcoming "Simpsons" cameo super seriouslyand going cartoon IRL? There's definitely a "Rainbow-Brite-dating-Marilyn-Manson" feel going on. Whatever it means, we simply COULD NOT be more excited to see more cray-cray Gaga outfits. See? WE'RE EVEN USING SHOUTY CAPITALS! PLEASE, GAGA! MORE OF THIS, PLEASE, MOTHER MONSTER!
Photo credit: Splash News