Welcome to Action Figure Insider’s 9th Anniversary “Scoop Week!” As has been the case for the past eight years, on the week of our anniversary of AFi’s launch, we have a little something we like to call “Scoop Week” where we bring you a variety of exclusive news on all your favorite action figure, collectibles and toy lines. We reached out far and wide to a variety of companies that have been incredibly generous to give us scoops and exclusive news. We had so many responses that several day we will have multiple scoops so make sure you are checking back each day!
Here we are at hump day, Day 3 of Scoop Week so we are going to look at a couple of “retro-esque” figures today.
First up is a reveal from the newly formed Fresh Monkey Fiction. You might have seen their series of teasers for their upcoming line of retro 4.5″ ‘Amazing Heroes’ figures that will be part of an upcoming Kickstarter.com campaign. The figures announced for the first wave are Black Terror, Stardust the Super Wizard, The Dare-Devil and Captain Action. But that’s not all….
Here an exclusive look at the “Champion of Mars” figure! This figure will be a Kickstarter exclusive incentive figure. He will come with a removable cape and a sword. The Kickstarter campaign is expected to kick off in July.
Thanks to Fresh Monkey Fiction for the scoop!
Stay tuned! We have another retro-esque scoop later today!