Apex Legends' latest episode of Stories From The Outlands, titled "Encore," has finally introduced players to Apex's 24th legend: August "Ballistic" Brinkman, a former Thunderdome champion who retired from the Games after tragedy struck. But now he's un-retiring, determined to take his son's place in the Apex Games. Although we don't currently know much about the seasoned bloodsport champion, Encore contains loads of context clues that--combined with leaked details regarding his in-game abilities--paint a much clearer picture of the silver-haired legend. Keep reading for a closer look at the newest character slated to hit Apex Legends when Season 17: Arsenal goes live on May 9. Unconfirmed: AbilitiesAll leaks should, of course, be taken with a large grain of salt. That said, Apex Legends dataminers seem to have unearthed a list of Ballistic's in-game abilities, which are listed below. While the legitimacy of these abilities is questionable, each of them make a good fit for Ballistic, so it's quite possible they're real. Continue Reading at GameSpot