Cel Damage HD, a graphically-enhanced version of the original 2001 release, is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita this Tuesday, April 22.
Cel Damage HD will cost $10, and as a Cross-Buy title, you’ll be able pay once to play it on all devices. In addition, PlayStation Plus members can get the game for a 10 percent discount during the first week following release.
Originally developed by Pseudo Interactive for Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube, Cel Damage was a vehicle combat game much like Twisted Metal, only with cel-shaded graphics and a Looney Tunes approach to weapons and gameplay. It was not well received by GameSpot at the time, getting a score of 5.7 in our review.
Cel Damage HD will feature six playable characters, 13 arenas, 10 cars and more than 30 power-ups. It will be developer Finish Line’s first game.