A sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 is currently in development at CD Projekt's teams in the US and Canada, and now we've learned a little more about the staff working on the game. The sequel is in the works under the codenamed Project Orion, and it's only in the "early stages of development," CD Projekt said in a news release. The team working on the game includes a number of senior staffers from the original game, including Gabriel Amatangelo (game director), Paweł Sasko (associate game director), Igor Sarzyński (creative director), Andrzej Stopa (cinematic director), Kacper Niepokólczycki (environment art director), Sarah Grümmer (acting lead quest designer), and Kacper Kościeński (engineering director). All of these people are working on the sequel at CD Projekt's new office in Boston, Massachusetts. As for people who joined the Boston studio to work on the sequel, these include former lead product manager at Blizzad, Dan Hernberg, who is an executive producer on the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel; IO Interactive and Massive Entertainment's Ryan Barnard as design director; and Mortal Kombat technical director Alan Villani, who is engineering director on the Cyberpunk 2077 follow-up. Continue Reading at GameSpot