DC United – A game with a ton of DC miniatures – is in Late Pledge now.

I am a huge fan of the Justice League and their incarnation as the Super-Friends. I recently backed a game on Gamefound (like KickStarter) that I thought you might be interested in. I wish I had thought to write this earlier so you could – if interested – have backed this during the campaign if you wished.

The first thing that jumped out at me was the cast of characters. We got the big names in the basic box. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. The villains for the central piece are Joker, Lex Luthor, Darkseid and Cheetah.

OK, maybe not. This is a toy website. We talk about toys. What grabbed me was the miniatures and the sculpting. Then it was the characters. Because with the base set, you get Zan, Jayna and Gleek, the Wonder Twins and their monkey from the Super-Friends. They are not part of the box, but exclusives to those who pledge to buy the game now.

There are more exclusive figures available. Some are single figures that come with expansions (Gotham, Metropolis).  Here is a sample video announcing an expansion.

Some entire expansions (Justice Society, War of Light) are exclusive to this campaign. Some are rewards to those who pledge for the campaign reaching specific dollar goals.  I checked every day to see what new character had been added. I waited a long time for Green Arrow to appear, but he finally did in the last few days.

If you want to see all of the available product and all of the stretch goal exclusive items, may I suggest checking out this link: DC Heroes United – Full Product Line

Finally, here is the link to the main project. Gamefound DC Heroes United As I may have mentioned, the campaign is over and the game is now in Late Pledge mode for the next week or so. My understanding is that if you pledge the minimum of 65$, you get the base game, all of the stretch goals, and the ability to add (more) expansions when the Pledge Manager opens.

My current pledge includes the base game (65$) plus the Justice Society expansion (40$). This expansion includes a PVP mode where you can recreate that classic trope of 2 hero teams fighting each other by mistake. I am eagerly awaiting the opening of the Pledge Manager where I will finalize my order, pay for any additional items (War of Light expansion is calling me pretty hard), and pay for shipping.

Filed under: Toys


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