Death To Linears | Iron Banter: This Week in Destiny 2

Just about every week brings something new to Destiny 2, whether it's story beats, new activities, or interesting new combinations of elements that let players devastate each other in the Crucible. Iron Banter is our weekly look at what's going on in the world of Destiny and a rundown of what's drawing our attention across the solar system.

I was playing a legendary PsiOp mission on the EDZ with GameSpot's own Jean-Luc Seipke earlier this week, and I spent a good deal of time just blankly staring at DIM (the third-party Destiny Item Manager) trying to figure out what would give me the easiest time. We were planning on going into the activity without a third guardian, and since the activity isn't matchmade, it can get pretty dicey. That being said, it's not that I had difficulty deciding what I wanted in my overall loadout, but the Power weapon slot was bothering me. Legendary seasonal activities aren't necessarily hard, but they can be challenging if you don't go into them with a somewhat decent kit. Unfortunately, Destiny has suffered at times when it stifles creativity--where the meta basically amounts to, "use this weapon, or you're stupid."

In this case, it's Heavy linear fusion rifles. They have dominated the PvE space for what feels like an eternity now, especially with the introduction of the burst-fire versions such as Stormchaser or Fire and Forget. Countless beefy yellow bar enemies, raid bosses, and other baddies have been on the receiving end of these overpowered weapons. If you were lucky enough to have one with damage-boosting perks, a Veist Stinger Origin trait, Enhanced craftable mods, or an Adept Big Ones perk (hello, Reed's Regret), it was a no-brainer. You used a linear (and Arbalest) if you were serious, and if you didn't…well, let's just say your clanmates probably had the higher DPS numbers.

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