A new era of Destiny 2 has begun, and like it, there's a fat stack of great loot to unlock in this new adventure. Hey, if you're going to save the universe or die trying, you're going to want to look your best. This year, things are a little bit different when it comes to the Destiny 2 battle pass. The Final Shape introduces a new approach to seasonal content, as Destiny 2 is ditching its quarterly seasons for episodes. Each episode is composed of three acts, and each act has its own selection of weapons, armor, and materials to hand out. This translates to a battle pass with double the rewards when compared to previous iterations, as well as more time to unlock everything on it. For Episode: Echoes, there'll be four months to work your way through its free and premium battle pass tracks. The first episode has 100 unlockables on the premium track--and fewer on the free track--while Act 2 adds 40 more premium unlockables and Act 3 adds 60 rewards on that particular line. As for the gear, there's a lot to grab here. Season pass owners can hit the ground running with a new Exotic pulse rifle, Red Death Reformed, a pretty handy weapon to keep you and your allies in a fight for longer thanks to its healing effects. For the armor, players get very cool Chromocloak ornaments to dress their Guardians up with, giving them RGB flair that would make Razer jealous. These ornaments can be used on any armor piece once you unlock them, but to unlock them, all of which are available by rank 95. However, there's also a fancier "glare" version of the helmet ornament available for each Guardian class as the final reward at rank 200. Functional armor unlocks for Episode: Echoes include pieces from the Untethered Edge line. These look pretty cool, and each piece grants you 5% additional Failsafe vendor reputation, up to a maximum of 15%. Hilariously, the Untethered Edge helmets include some ostentatious shapes in their design. On top of all that, you can also find Exotic engrams, Deepsight Harmonizers, Bright engrams, piles of Glimmer, and passive bonuses in this season pass. You can see highlights of the new gear below. If you've just jumped into the new expansion, you can also check out our Destiny 2: The Final Shape guides hub for tips and tricks. Ahead of the raid, you can see the most efficient way to level up quickly and how to get your Exotic class item once they become available. Premium Season Pass
- Rank 1 -- Red Death Reformed (Exotic pulse rifle)
- Rank 6 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 10 -- The Final Slice (Finisher)
- Rank 16 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 23 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 26 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 36 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 40 -- Mental Math (Emote)
- Rank 46 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 50 -- Spectrum Shell (Ghost Shell)
- Rank 53 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 56 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 60 -- Chromocloak gloves (Armor ornament)
- Rank 63 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 70 -- Chromocloak boots (Armor ornament)
- Rank 72 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 73 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 80 -- Chromocloak class item (Armor ornament)
- Rank 82 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 83 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 90 -- Chromacloak chest armor (Armor ornament)
- Rank 95 -- Chromocloak helmet (Armor ornament)
- Rank 100 -- Old Blood (Red Death Reformed weapon ornament)
- Rank 101 -- Exotic Cipher
- Rank 102 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 106 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 108 -- Untethered Edge gloves
- Rank 109 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 110 -- Cavalry Charge (Emote)
- Rank 112 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 115 -- Untethered Edge boots
- Rank 116 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 122 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 123 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 124 -- Untethered Edge chest armor
- Rank 128 -- Untethered Edge helmet
- Rank 130 -- Unbridled Iridescence (Exotic sparrow)
- Rank 132 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 133 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 140 -- Unwavering Gallantry (Shader)
- Rank 142 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 143 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 150 -- The Ol' Switcheroo (Exotic emote)
- Rank 152 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 156 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 162 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 164 -- Untethered Edge class item
- Rank 166 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 170 -- Unpredictable liability (Class item)
- Rank 172 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 173 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 180 -- Polychroma (Exotic ship)
- Rank 182 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 183 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 190 -- Adding flavor (Exotic emote)
- Rank 192 -- Echo Engram
- Rank 193 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 200 -- Chromocloak Glare helmet (Armor ornament)
Free Season Pass
- Rank 17 -- Bright engram
- Rank 20 -- Episodic weapon
- Rank 27 -- Bright engram
- Rank 30 -- Episodic weapon
- Rank 37 -- Bright engram
- Rank 40 -- Red Death Reformed (Exotic pulse rifle)
- Rank 47 -- Bright engram
- Rank 50 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 57 -- Bright engram
- Rank 60 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 67 -- Bright engram
- Rank 70 -- Deepsight Harmonizer
- Rank 77 -- Bright engram
- Rank 80 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 90 -- Deepsight Harmonizer
- Rank 87 -- Bright engram
- Rank 97 -- Bright engram
- Rank 107 -- Bright engram
- Rank 117 -- Bright engram
- Rank 120 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 127 -- Bright engram
- Rank 137 -- Bright engram
- Rank 145 -- Red Death Reformed Exotic catalyst
- Rank 147 -- Bright engram
- Rank 157 -- Bright engram
- Rank 160 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 167 -- Bright engram
- Rank 170 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 177 -- Bright engram
- Rank 180 -- Exotic Cipher
- Rank 187 -- Bright engram
- Rank 190 -- Exotic engram
- Rank 197 -- Bright engram
Chromacloak Grips (Hunter gauntlet ornament) Chromacloak Strides (Hunter leg armor ornament) Chromacloak Cape (Hunter cloak ornament) Chromacloak Vest (Hunter chest armor ornament) Chromacloak Mask (Hunter helmet ornament) Untethered Edge Grips (Hunter gauntlets) Untethered Edge Strides (Hunter leg armor) Untethered Edge Vest (Hunter chest armor) Untethered Edge Mask (Hunter helmet) Untethered Edge Cape (Hunter cloak) Chromacloak Visage (Hunter helmet ornament) Chromacloak Gauntlets (Titan gauntlets ornament) Chromacloak Greaves (Titan leg armor ornament) Chromacloak Mark (Titan mark ornament) Chromacloak Plate (Titan chest armor ornament) Chromacloak Helm (Titan helmet ornament) Untethered Edge Gauntlets (Titan gauntlets) Untethered Edge Greaves (Titan leg armor) Untethered Edge Plate (Titan chest armor) Untethered Edge Mark (Titan mark) Untethered Edge Helm (Titan helmet) Chromacloak Crest (Titan helmet ornament) Chromacloak Gloves (Warlock gauntlets ornament) Chromacloak Boots (Warlock leg armor ornament) Chromacloak Bond (Warlock bond ornament) Chromacloak Robes (Warlock chest armor ornament) Chromacloak Hood (Warlock helmet ornament) Untethered Edge Gloves (Warlock gauntlets) Untethered Edge Boots (Warlock leg armor) Untethered Edge Robes (Warlock chest armor) Untethered Edge Hood (Warlock helmet) Chromacloak Glare (Warlock ornament) Red Death Reformed Old Blood (Red Death Reformed Exotic weapon ornament) The Final Slice (Finisher) Mental Math (Emote) Spectrum Shell (Exotic Ghost shell) Cavalry Charge (Emote) Unbridled Irridescence (Exotic sparrow) Unwavering Gallantry (Shader) The Ol' Switcheroo (Exotic emote) Unpredictable Liability (Shader) Polychroma (Exotic ship) Adding Flavor (Exotic emote)