Destiny 2 Witch Queen Legendary Campaign Tips

One of the coolest things included with Destiny 2's latest expansion, The Witch Queen, is a story campaign that includes adjustable difficulty levels. The campaign itself is a good time, with a story that digs deep into some of Destiny 2's best lore, and a ton of really memorable moments and encounters. Legendary really feels like the way the campaign is meant to be played, though, ratcheting up the difficulty just enough to make those fights against Lightbearer Hive warriors feel like serious battles for survival.

If you're taking on the Legendary campaign, though, you should know a few things before you begin. You're not going to breeze through these missions, whether playing alone or with a team--the difficulty scales dynamically based on the size of your fireteam, so adding more players to your squad won't necessarily give you an advantage. We've put together a few tips that might help you survive and a few tidbits of information that might help you overcome the might of Savathun and her Lucent Brood.

Stay at range and use cover

You're likely to find lots of different weapons in the campaign, but it's a good idea to mostly stick with the ones that allow you to find cover and deal with enemies from a solid distance. The campaign has a lot of big arenas and often throws many enemies at you at once, so the ability to find cover and clear the field a bit with a pulse or scout rifle can be extremely handy. Enemies are tough to stagger in the Legendary campaign, so you usually need to commit to taking them down in order to stop them from shooting back at you. Something with some range that'll allow you to duck out of harm's way can be very helpful, but in any event, plan for your safety and avoid overextending yourself--the campaign will punish you for it.

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