Doom Eternal has been billed as a showpiece for Stadia, but with the launch coming it turns out it won't run at 4K resolution after all. Id Software posted a series of launch details and system specs on its official site, and the Stadia section notes that it will not run in true 4K. Instead, the site says, it will run at 1800p and be up-sampled to 2160p, matching the Xbox One X version of the game. It will run at 60 FPS and support HDR. At the GDC 2019 keynote where Google debuted Stadia for the first time, Id Software's Marty Stratton said the game would run at "true 4K" resolution. That promise was touted as proof that you can stream games from the cloud, and Doom's fast-paced gameplay has made it one to watch for Stadia given the potential latency of cloud gaming. Continue Reading at GameSpot