Fast & Furious: Spy Racers, the upcoming animated spin-off from the Vin Diesel-led action film series, will hit Netflix on December 26, 2019. In the lead-up to the series' debut, several images of the series have been shown off, along with a cast list and brief synopsis.
The series will focus on Tony Toretto (Tyler Posey), the teenage cousin of series protagonist Dom Toretto. Much like his older cousin, he's recruited by a government agency to take on a car-focused crime group: in this case, it's called SH1FT3R. He and his friends have to stop SH1FT3R from taking over the world, and it seems that's going to involve plenty of fast driving. The series will be youth-focused, and the image below of Tony with a giant glowing glove hints at some fantastical elements. Click through the gallery below for a first look at the series.