Warner Bros. Games has released a good chunk of gameplay for its upcoming game Gotham Knights, with IGN debuting the first 16 minutes of the action RPG. While players will be able to choose between four of Batman's protégés including Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin, the video puts Batgirl in the spotlight. The investigation scene featured in IGN's video functions as a kind of tutorial level, taking the player through the basic mechanics and scenarios that will crop up later in the game. While the video shows off the first 16 minutes of actual gameplay, it skips over a narrative-centric prologue that Warner Bros. is choosing to keep secret for now. In an accompanying article on IGN, Gotham Knights creative director Patrick Redding explains that the game won't force players to start out as underpowered weaklings, as may be traditional in the RPG genre. Each of the playable characters are "effectively graduates of the Batman School of Crime Fighting," Redding explains, meaning they won't have any problem taking down your average thug. Continue Reading at GameSpot