Forspoken Reveals More Details About Its Story

Forspoken, the open-world action RPG first announced as Project Athia, is ready to reveal a few more details about the narrative that will drive players to explore the world of Athia through the eyes of protagonist Frey Holland.

Much of the early marketing for Forspoken focused on the game's technical and visual achievements, with the PS5 and PC title being a poster child for both AMD's new FidelityFX Super Resolution tech, and Microsoft's DirectStorage on PC. Now, more is starting to be revealed about the game's story and, more specifically its protagonist Frey Holland.

We already knew that Forspoken's narrative would be leaning into the so-called isekai genre made popular by anime and Japanese games, with its protagonist Frey Holland being an orphan from New York City who finds herself thrust into the strange magical world of Athia. Previous game previews gave us more information about Frey's main companion in Athia, a talking bangle named Cuff who will banter with Frey while she explores the game's dangerous open world.

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