In the five years since Ghost Recon: Breakpoint first released, the game has largely been forgotten about. When it does enter the conversation, it's usually as an example of how chasing trends and diluting the core experience to appeal to the widest market possible probably isn't a good idea. But for those fans who have stuck with Breakpoint over the years, there's a surprisingly great game buried underneath its live-service design. In a new episode of GameSpot's No HUD, Jake Dekker examines how stripping Breakpoint of its live-service elements and focusing on a more realistic and unforgiving experience transforms it into an edge-of-your-seat tactical-action game. With some help from Ghost Recon expert Deef, changing the game into a more strategic and slow-paced experience is surprisingly easy, as thanks to an update that Ubisoft made several years ago, Breakpoint's overall challenge can be fine-tuned in Immersive Mode. Continue Reading at GameSpot