Big-time competitive gaming company Electronic Sports League has announced new measures to help stamp out the use of performance-enhancing drugs in its tournaments. ESL communications head Anna Rozwandowicz told Motherboard that the company has "taken steps to move forward with drugs policing, education, and prevention among participants of [its] competitions." Specific details regarding this policy will be announced soon. Drug testing and enforcement is commonplace in traditional sports. These new measures come in the wake of professional Counter-Strike player Kory "Semphis" Friesen openly admitting, via Motherboard, that he and his Cloud9 teammates used Adderall during the recent ESL One Katowice tournament in Poland. "We were all on Adderall," he said. They will not be punished, however. "We have no way of knowing whether Semphis, despite what he said, has actually taken Adderall or not," Rozwandowicz explained. "We can't punish someone if we are not 100 percent sure he is guilty. And as we have no way to test it anymore (we're four months after the event), we won't take action in this specific case." Other high-profile professional gaming tournaments, such as the League of Legends Championship Series and Dota 2's The International have not yet weighed in on the drug drama.