ISIS Used GTA 5 in a Recruitment Video — Report

ISIS, the jihadist group operating in parts of Iraq and Syria, is believed to have released a new recruitment video that uses footage from Grand Theft Auto V, The Telegraph reports.

In the video, which displays the group's logo repeatedly, characters dressed like civilians are seen shooting military and police characters. It also recreates real footage we often see in the news of improvised explosive devices detonated as a convoy of vehicles drives by.

The video opens with a message written in slightly broken English: "Your games which are producing from you , we do the same actions in the battlefields !!"

According to the Telegraph, ISIS said the video is meant to “raise the morale of the mujahedin and to train children and youth how to battle the West and to strike terror into the hearts of those who oppose the Islamic State."

It seems like an odd thing for an organization like ISIS to do, but it also proved it's tech and media savvy with its regular use of social media to promote its cause.

Emanuel Maiberg is a freelance writer. You can follow him on Twitter @emanuelmaiberg.

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