The DC Extended Universe was riddled with problems for almost a decade, with director Zack Snyder's polarizing take on Superman, the less-than-promising box office receipts (outside James Wan's Aquaman and Patty Jenkins' first Wonder Woman film), and inner-turmoil controversies with Joss Whedon, Ezra Miller, and harassment from Snyder's own fanbase to studio executives, even after the Snydercut Justice League was produced. Last week, it was revealed that Henry Cavill would not reprise his role as Superman going forward in Gunn and Peter Safran's all-new DCEU and setting off a wildfire of backlash that resulted in the hashtag "#fireJamesGunn" trending for almost two days. Gunn understood that this would happen and addressed his fans, and DC movie fans as well, about how he sees the choices that were made as very difficult but did what was best for the characters. "One of the things Peter and I were aware of when we took the job of heads of DC Studios was a certain minority of people online that could be, well, uproarious and unkind to say the least," Gunn posted on social media. "Our choices for the DCU are based upon what we believe is best for the story and best for the DC characters who have been around for 85 years." Continue Reading at GameSpot