JoJo Takes Us Behind The Scenes Of Her ‘Demonstrate’ Video (VIDEO)

JoJo gets down in her new video, "Demonstrate."

We're all about JoJo's sultry, bump-'n'-grind, grab-someone-and-smooch-'em-immediately new tune "Demonstrate," which also means we're basically dying for video to come out. In the meantime, JoJo has given us a behind-the-scenes look at all the freaky-deaky stuff she's got planned. Y'all should probably take notes.

Go behind-the-scenes of JoJo's "Demonstrate" video after the jump. 

During the sneak peek, the "Disaster" singer explains the philosophy behind the subtle, yet totally there sexual undertone of her new video: "I think the song 'Demonstrate' is kind of more... It's buttoned up, but freaky at the same time. I'm basically saying, There's a lot of freaky things going on in my mind, but I'm not going to tell you. You're going to need to get over here so I can show you." DAYUM, girl. At least you know what you want, and you're not afraid to ask for it. You go get yours!

+ Go behind the scenes of JoJo's "Demonstrate" video. 

Filed under: Music


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