Justice League Unlimited Takes Over HeroClix

Booster1Fans of the acclaimed animated show Justice League Unlimited have long flocked to Action Figure Insider. I like to think that our polls of Most Wanted figures added to the Mattel toy line had some impact on that line. Now WizKids takes a swing at our favorite show with their new set of HeroClix, Justice League Unlimited.

Fans of the game have been following the release of this set for a while. The release date has been delayed due to shut downs of distribution warehouses. However, a few cases made it through before that happened. I was lucky enough to have gotten one of those cases. Full disclosure. This case was intended for a pre release event. With those events cancelled by WizKids, WizKids allowed these cases to be sold to the general public. That way stores were not sitting on inventory they could not sell. I was in the right place at the right time and bought this case. As I said, lucky. It also helped out the store in terms of sales.


Thinking about AFI readers, fans of the show and those who do not normally buy Heroclix, I asked myself, what would the casual buyer want to know about this product. With that in mind, we will start with how this is sold. HeroClix are sold blind boxed in a box of 5. There is a rarity scheme. You typically get 2-3 commons, 1-2 uncommons and 1 rare. Every 3.33 boosters the rare is replaced by a super rare. Boxes are shipped saran wrapped in groups of 10. These are called “bricks”. If you buy an unsplit or unopened brick, you will typically get 7 boosters with rares and 3 boosters with super rares. Bricks are shipped 2 in a case. There are also higher rarity pieces called chases and primes. Typically there are one chase and one prime to a case. I say typically because there are no guarantees and sometimes you get more or less of the higher rarity pieces.  The set consists of 17 commons, 17 uncommons, 16 rares, 15 super rares, 8 chases and 4 primes.

Black Canary

Moving on. What might you get for characters if you bought a single booster? The best answer I can give you is to show you my first booster. We pulled: Superman (common), Amanda Waller (common), Static (uncommon), Black Canary (uncommon) and Vigilante (rare). I think that really says it all. We got a member of the main team, a behind the scenes manipulator, a character from an adjacent show, a secondary member of the team and a rarely seen member of the team. You could be in for almost anyone that appeared on the show.


(My apologies, if Mattel made figures of Amanda Waller or Static, I could not find them in my collection at this time.)

Filed under: Toys


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