Watch Justin Bieber's third 'Boyfriend' video teaser.
I'm not sure whether to freak out over the fact that Justin Bieber has continued his torturous rampage of releasing teasers for his forthcoming "Boyfriend" video or to lose it over the fact that the third teaser features JB's super dope Michael Jackson impression. It's like, yes, I may spontaneously combust if I don't see the "Boyfriend" video in full, but I'm also mildly satiated by this MJ moment. Not sure how to feel.
Watch Justin Bieber's new "Boyfriend" video teaser after the jump.
As we learned in Justin's Complex spread, Justin admires Michael Jackson but also aims to match (and beat!) his music industry records. So, it makes sense that Justin's "Boyfriend" video would include a small homage to the artist that helps him channel his ambition. As the 10-second clip begins, we see Justin cozy up next to a hot chick wearing some gold claw jewelry that could most definitely poke your eye out. Next thing we know, against the backdrop of the moon, Justin stands in a classic Jackson position working his best Michael snap move. Then the preview is over and we're left wondering if JB is going to hook up with that hot chick and/or eventually break out into the moonwalk. So many questions, so few answers!
Um, it would be great if Justin Bieber would just release the damn video already and take Beliebers worldwide out of their misery. Kthxbai.
+ Watch Justin Bieber's third "Boyfriend" video teaser.