Get ready, Marvelites, because now there are even more opportunities for you to engage with the Marvel Universe on the Internet! With the launch of Marvel’s Pinterest and Tumblr pages, you can gain access to exclusive content and interact with Marvel fans and talent!
Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. Users can also browse pinboards created by other people. The Marvel Pinterest grants you access to Marvel concept art, sketches, and photographs from Marvel events!
Tumblr also allows you to customize and share a variety of content on the web. For Marvel fans, this means you are on the front lines of exclusive images, videos, interviews, and news. Visit the Marvel Tumblr to take a look at Marvel Panel of the Day, upcoming comic previews and more!
Check out both Marvel’s Pinterest and Tumblr accounts to keep up to date on everything Marvel and communicate directly with other Marvelites and Marvel staffers! Join today! Marvel’s making friends all over the Internet and expanding the Marvel Audience Network. So check it out and start clicking!
Facebook: Get all the latest news updates, leave a comment or wall post, and participate in discussions on all things Marvel. Twitter: All your Marvel needs in 140 characters or less! Surveys, links, and more! YouTube: All Marvel videos all the time! GetGlue: Check-in to all of your favorite Marvel characters and get cool stickers! Google+: Participate in discussions, interact with other Marvelites and learn the latest news updates! Pinterest: Check out exclusive images from Marvel events, concept art and sketches! Tumblr: Interact with other Marvel fans and get the latest news, interviews, upcoming comic previews and the Marvel Panel of the Day!