The Marvel Studios panel at Comic-Con kicked off with Kevin Feige announcing that the upcoming sequel Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will be the end of Phase 4. When Phase 4 was initially announced in 2019, there were plenty of surprises such as Oscar winner Mahershala Ali taking up the sword of Blade, as well as the upcoming shows for Disney+. Of course the 2020 pandemic delayed productions and moved the ever-changing schedule around. Feige said that almost everything came into fruition, but they added things along the way. It was here that he confirmed that Wakanda Forever would be the period on Phase Four. The sequel has had more than its share of trauma and delays, mainly the tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman to cancer in August of 2020. It's also confirmed that Oscar winner Daniel Kaluuya will not be returning due to schedule conflicts. Continue Reading at GameSpot