Mattel’s Final JLU Sets – Guy Gardner/Batman/Martian Manhunter 3-pack

The final JLU packs are winding down.  We’re in the home stretch with just 3 sets left after this one.  This month we get the Guy Gardner/Batman/Martian Manhunter 3-pack.  This limited edition set has one new figures and 2 newer repaints.

Guy Gardner is the new figure in the 3-pack.  He has one of the standard bucks with one of the PVC over pieces for his jacket.  He has his trademark smirk and ring painted on his hand.

The Batman figure in the pack we have gotten before at the tail-end of the retail offering.  He’s very reminiscent of a 70′s Batman/Super Friends deco with the light blue cape and cowl, shadowed cowl and yellow oval bat.

The 3 pack is completed with the color corrected Martian Manhunter we got as a single.

Personally I’ve been waiting on Guy in this line for years.  I bought a custom one about 3 years ago as I didn’t think he’d be made in the line.  Today the custom gets rotated out and the real deal takes his rightful place in the line-up.

This set will be available 10/15 on for $30.

Here’s a look at what you will get when you order -

Filed under: Toys


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