Netflix's One Piece live-action adaptation has become a surprise hit and has officially been renewed for Season 2. One Piece creator and illustrator Eiichiro Oda confirmed the news today in this special video via Transponder Snail. Oda said that the renewal was signed on almost instantly. “To the Straw Hat Grand Fleet: What did you think of Season 1 of the live-action ONE PIECE? I spent a long time working on it with Netflix and Tomorrow Studios. It seems people around the world have been enjoying the show, which makes the hard work from the production team truly worth it," Oda said. "To everyone who's been a fan of One Piece for years, and to those who experienced One Piece for the first time, thank you so much. Two weeks after the launch, I just received some great news. Netflix has decided to renew the show! The adventures of Iñaki and the live-action Straw Hats will continue onward!" Continue Reading at GameSpot