In November, a beloved animated series from the '90s returns with all-new episodes. But this time around, it's coming to the Hulu streaming service. That's not all Hulu has new for the month. There are plenty of new movies, TV shows, and original programs for you to binge as we slowly head towards winter. On November 20, the first season of Animaniacs drops on Hulu. The revival follows the adventures of the Warner Brothers, Yakko and Wakko, and their Warner sister Dot. They live in the Warner Bros. water tower on the studio lot. The original show also introduced the world to Pinky and the Brain--two lab rats of which one is a genius and the other insane. All of these characters will be appearing in the new season, and you can check them all out in the trailer below. If you're looking for a solid dad adventure that doesn't have a challenging story, you should check out Wild Hogs which arrives on November 1. Starring Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, John Travolta, and William H. Macy, Wild Hogs follows a group of middle-aged men clinging to their younger years as weekend warriors--riding their motorcycles to freedom. Of course, the group comes across men who live their lives riding through this world, all alone, and they do not all get along. Continue Reading at GameSpot