New Song: Muse, ‘Survival’

Muse do their homeland proud with 'Survival' for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

I won't lie to you guys: Muse has been issued a HUGE task. They were asked to make the official song for the London 2012 Olympic Games in their native England. (Fortunately, they're used to creating epic things, like a dubstep-influenced album this year.) And we think what they came up with, "Survival," certainly should do their country and fans worldwide proud.

Listen to Muse's "Survival" after the jump.

"Survival" certainly gives off an enormous vibe. It feels like a classic rock jam that Queen or ELO would've crafted, rife with strings, pianos, guitars and choir vocals. And with lyrics like "I'll light the fuse/ And I'll never lose/ and I choose to survive," I think maybe I could run a marathon. (Eh, maybe not, but I'll finally do my laundry. Progress!)

+ Listen to Muse's "Survival."

Photo credit: WMG/ Danny Clinch

Filed under: Music


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