Pinback make watching paint dry entertaining in their new "Proceed To Memory" video.
Normally when people say something is like watching paint dry, it's not, you know, exactly a compliment. But man, watching this building-sized Pinback mural being painted in the stop-motion video for their new track "Proceed to Memory" is downright mesmerizing.
Watch Pinback's "Proceed to Memory" video after the jump.
Directed by Jeremy deVine and edited by Jeremey Bird, the video depicts the painstaking, crane-assisted painting of the cover to the San Diego indie veterans' new album, Information Retrieved, on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (if you were looking for the ideal place to advertise a Pinback record, you could not pick a better place, right? #hipsterjoke). The record is their fifth full-length in a career stretching all the way back to 1999's This Is A Pinback CD, which certain members of the Buzzworthy staff may or may not admit to having bought at their local CD store (they use to sell CDs in actual stores in those days) back when it came out.
Like much of the band's catalog, the song is softly-spoken, intricately-woven nestle of guitars, twinkling synth melody, and intertwining vocal lines. Did we used to call this math rock in the day? Yes we did, and we still don't know what that means, but it's close enough.