Nioh 2 has received its first big update, bringing with it a robust Photo Mode and additional missions as Team Ninja prepares its three DLC expansions for later this year. The update, which you can download now, includes a Photo Mode with all the bells and whistles you'd expect. That means filters, exposure controls, lighting adjustments, and more. You'll also have access to nine new sub-missions which Team Ninja says is a small taste of a larger commitment to post-release content that starts this summer. Nioh 2 has three expansions in the works, with the first launching on July 30. Titled The Tengu's Disciple, this first expansion will take you to Yashima--a place which has seen numerous wars in the past. As a result, the shadows of yokai can be seen roaming the land, as fallen heroes wielding the Sohayamaru rise again to reestablish peace. Continue Reading at GameSpot