Overwatch 2 has finally launched, bringing the new game mode Push to the hero shooter. While Overwatch 2 has had a rocky launch, with long queues, crashes, and a phone number requirement that has been mostly dropped by Blizzard, Push has provided a fun new neutral objective mode for people to enjoy. Here's how Push works and how to dominate in the new game mode. How Push works in Overwatch 2Push is a neutral objective game mode, centered around a robot that starts in the center of the map. Each teammate has a winding path to walk the robot down, with the goal of getting the robot into the enemy team's territory. The winner is determined by which team gets the robot further along or if one teammate reaches the end of the path. In order to move the robot, it needs to be completely clear of enemies and someone needs to be near it, similar to moving a payload objective. Each team has a set spawn near their own base, where the enemy team is attempting to get the robot. Unlike Payload matches, the spawns will not permanently move closer to the objective, regardless of how far you push it. Best practices for PushDespite having a moving objective similar to Payload matches, the best comparison for how you should play Push is Control. The goal is to maximize the amount of time where either your team controls the robot, or is at least contesting it. If your entire team is arriving at the objective at the same time, a good strategy is to have the tank lead one healer and one damage hero to the objective from the front, while the other healer and damage character use one of the side paths to flank. Because of the way Push maps are laid out, it is far easier to flank than in other modes, which makes it a more effective strategy. Continue Reading at GameSpot