Producer Kenichiro Tsukuda Says He’s Going To Make A Daemon X Machina Sequel

Marvelous First Studio wants to make a sequel to Daemon X Machina--in fact, producer Kenichiro Tsukuda has all but announced a follow-up to the game. But don't expect it anytime soon.

"While this isn’t really an announcement, I’d like to make a strong declaration as we end here that we’re going to make a sequel--a ‘2'," Tsukada said during the game's 2nd Anniversary live stream. Tsukuda himself is motivated but said the team at First Studio needs time for testing in order to consider what comes next.

Tsukada said he wants to bring some new employees onboard the studio and since the games industry is always changing as time goes on, he wonders what direction he should take. He's made the declaration for a sequel to Daemon X Machina, but it's going to take some time until it comes out.

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