As teased earlier this week, Sony showcased an extended trailer for the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima during The Game Awards. The video gave us another look at the highly anticipated PS4 exclusive and capped off with the game's new release date window: Summer 2020. The trailer is an extended version of the one that premiered during the State of Play broadcast that aired recently, featuring a mix of gameplay and cinematic footage. Developer Sucker Punch sheds more light on the trailer in a post on the PlayStation Blog. "Today, we debuted a brand-new trailer that delves deeper into the identity our hero is forced to adopt in order to save his home: The Ghost," Sucker Punch wrote. "While Jin starts our game as a samurai, he'll learn skills and adopt tactics that are decidedly not samurai-like, and you can get a small taste in the footage we revealed today." Jin is one of the only samurai to survive the Mongol invasion of the island of Tsushima in 1274. Sucker Punch promises to share more details about Ghost of Tsushima "in the months ahead." You can watch the latest trailer for the game above. If you'd like to secure your own copy of the title, be sure to check out our Ghost of Tsushima pre-order guide. There were a ton of other announcements during The Game Awards. You can catch up on all the biggest news and reveals from this year's show below.