PS5 Pro Could Be $650, Analyst Says

A new, more powerful version of the PlayStation 5 is reportedly primed for an announcement soon, and while the rumored PS5 Pro system hasn't been officially confirmed, video game industry analysts are weighing in with their thoughts about it.

Serkan Toto of Kantan Games told IGN that there is "no doubt" that a PS5 Pro is on the way. What form it takes and what upgrades it might offer over the existing PS5 remain a mystery. But it will be more expensive than the PS5, the analysts noted.

Toto said the PS5 Pro is likely to cost $600 or $650 when it releases, and that the existing PS5, which costs $500, will not receive a price cut. Michael Wagner of Newzoo said history suggests that the PS5 will receive a price cut when the PS5 Pro launches, citing the precedent of the PS4 getting a price cut when the PS4 Pro came out. Daniel Ahmad of Niko Partners said this generation isn't the same as past ones in part because production and shipping costs are not declining like they did with previous generations.

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