Riot Games is updating its privacy notice to inform players across all of its games that new voice chat moderation tools will be implemented to tackle toxicity. The first game to use these abilities, which will record in-game voice chat when a report is filed, is the tactical shooter Valorant. The studio will store audio data for use when players report those engaging in abusive or disruptive behavior. The data is then scrubbed through to see if anything violates Riot Games' Terms of Service or other policies. It will be made available to the violating player if an infringement occurred and deleted after it's no longer needed. Data will also be deleted if the recording contains no disruptive behavior. Riot said the new voice moderations tools don't involve actively listening to live in-game audio. The studio clarified that it will only listen to audio once a report has been filed. For now, the system will be beta tested in North America before expanding elsewhere around the world. Those concerned about their privacy can always opt for a third-party voice chat app like Discord. Continue Reading at GameSpot