Song Premiere: Dylan Reynolds, ‘Spanish Civil War’


Dylan Reynolds is a sick singer. HE'S ALSO MAC MILLER'S BFF!

Did you ever think that a hip-hop mogul like Mac Miller would sign a gentle singer-songwriter type? Yeah, we didn't think so either! But you know us -- we love surprises, especially when they come in the form of Dylan Reynolds, a 21-year-old alt-folk/pop musician who just so happens to be Mac's old buddy from Pittsburgh AND a refreshing signee to Mac's REMember Music label. (#BFF4LYFE!) So far Dylan's released a handful of M. Ward-meets-John Mayer ballads like "Happy Birthday" and "Letting You Go," but now he's unveiled a brand-new song, "Spanish Civil War," a minimalist, piano-driven tune slated to appear on Dylan's upcoming debut album, out this June.

Listen to Dylan Reynolds' "Spanish Civil War" after the jump.

Set to a melancholy melody, "Spanish Civil War" haunts with clean and simple instrumentation (much like Dylan's first single, "Tightrope"), leaving ample room for Reynolds' Jeff Buckley-meets-Justin Timberlake vocals to take center stage. And when we say "vocals" we also mean a SICK falsetto (which is probably a serious panty-dropper for all you long hair-loving indie chicks out there). As the piano lilts along, Dylan sings, "If I was a soldier/ In the Spanish Civil War/ Flying through the sky/ On my BA64/ Dropping my bombs/ And running for the door."

Is Dylan the dude we would have expected Mac to sign? Not even a little, but Mac explains in a 2012 YouTube video where he formally introduces his friend to the internet: "One of my main things that I've always wanted to do is bring people all different forms of good music from all different genres. What you're about to hear is the future of something." Totally appreciate the effort, Mac! Plus, "Rapper Signs Sweet And Sensitive Singer-Songwriter" is a terrific angle for press.

+ Listen to Dylan Reynolds' "Spanish Civil War," and watch Mac Miller introduce Dylan Reynolds.

Photo credit: Lindsey Makuwatsine

Filed under: Music


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