In Spider-Man 2, a number of open-world side missions will occupy your time between main story quests. One of these, the EMF Experiments, involves not just a tricky sequence of science puzzles, but one of the missions is especially hard to find. Here's where to find all nine instances of this side mission, plus a helpful hint that can circumvent the puzzles entirely. Spider-Man 2 EMF Experiments map locationsThere are nine EMF Experiments to locate across the city after you're first introduced to them in the critical path. While eight of these can be found as soon as you make the effort to do so, one of them will elude you for many hours. That's because the ninth and final EMF Experiment isn't available until after the credits roll and you're dropped back into the open world to mop up activities you may have missed, or in this case, discover a new mission. All nine missions must be played as Peter Parker. The nine EMF Experiments are found in the following neighborhoods and boroughs around New York: Continue Reading at GameSpot