Star Spotting: Did Justin Bieber Pull A Miley Cyrus With This Tongue-Out Studio Selfie? (PHOTO)

Justin Bieber twerks his tongue like Miley in the studio.

Justin goes to work, while his tongue goes to twerk. 

You know it, and I know it: The “Miley Cyrus Tongue” is now a straight-up thing that people are doing! It’s like blinking, or breathing, or making a turkey with mustard on rye — only way more ratchet and with way fewer calories. After her twerk-nasty VMA performance, Ms. Cyrus’ signature selfie pose has spread like wildfire! Last week, “the tongue” managed to infiltrate Thirty Seconds To Mars‘ Jared Leto, who nailed Miley’s side-tongue move, and now, it’s wormed its way into the mouth of Justin Bieber!

While in the studio yesterday, JB took a break from recording to pay visual homage to the “Wrecking Ball” singer, aptly captioning: “Studio.” Hmm, perhaps this is Justin’s quiet way to show solidarity with Miley now that she’s broken her VMA silence?

We may never know, but we can basically guarantee that whenever anyone sees anybody sticking out their tongue, the image of Miley cozying up to a foam finger will immediately pop into their mind — at least for the next two years. Shout-out to all the doctors on tongue depressor duty! You’re the real heroes.

Photo credit: Justin Bieber’s Instagram

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