Star Spotting: Miley Cyrus Werques Bondage Gear, Dances With A Stripper, Because YOLO? (PHOTOS)

Miley Cyrus performed live -- wearing very little -- at Borgore's "Christmas Creampies" concert.

Miley Cyrus CLEARLY isn't afraid to go all out (please see: her Nicki Minaj halloween costume or her 20th birthday pose. But we've never seen Milers go AS HARD as she did performing during Israeli dubstep producer and DJ Borgore's "Christmas Creampies" holiday concert, which featured a VERY short-haired Miley in a VERY revealing halter top and VERY S&M-ish harness. (Hey gurl HEY!) Oh, and there was a stripper, I guess because YOLO! Plus, the holidays are here, so why not indulge?

Check out more photos of Miley twerquing it onstage after the jump.

Miley and Borgore first collaborated on his record "Decisions," featuring cake-eating b-words. And this weekend, Miley performed the collaboration live at Borgore's "Christmas Creampies" concert in L.A. Now we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the bend and snap situation Miley twerqued herself into. And we also need to reiterate that Miley... danced with a stripper (that link is NSFW for those who aren't aware what strippers do, btw). Maybe it's her new shorter short hair. Or maybe it's -- oh, I don't know, the topless woman working that pole -- but you should probably carefully remove your last remaining Hannah Montana poster from your wall, gently fold it up and put it in your memory box, because she's not coming back, okay, sweetie?

Also, before you judge, Miley Cyrus is a grown-ass kind-hearted (she rescues puppies!) woman, and it's her constitutional right to celebrate the second night of Chanukkah by liberty walking all over a stage filled with cake and strippers, so save your judgement for the next episode of "Judge Judy." And don't miss Miley Cyrus' live performance at "VH1 Divas," on Sunday, December 16 at 9p.m. ET/ 8 CT.


Photo credit: Getty Images

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